English language paper 1

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  • English Language Paper 1
    • Paper 1 Secton A
      • You will answer four questions based on an extract from a modern novel.
      • An hour should be spent on section A.
      • 40 marks available: Q1- 4 marks,  Q2 - 8 marks, Q3 - 8 marks, Q4- 16 marks
      • Fiction
    • Question 1
      • A01: Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas.
      • The exam question will direct you to a section of the text: Read again lines 1-10, List four things about..
      • 4 MARKS
      • Only list points that are definitely correct, DO NOT MISTAKE A CHARACTERS OPINION FOR  A FACT
    • Question 2
      • AO2: Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant terminology to support their views.
      • 8 MARKS
      • Identify Language techniques.
        • What effect does this give?
      • Look for techniques that appeal to a range of senses not only sight.
      • Analyse the effect of different types of sentences.
      • Point, Evidence, Explanation, Analysis
    • Question 3
      • A02: Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant terminology to support their views.
      • 8 MARKS
      • Analysing the structure of a text.
        • Can be structured in many ways: Order in which an observer takes in the scene, Overall picture to fine detail, Order in which action occurs, Switching time frame.
      • Explain how ideas are introduced and developed across a text.
      • The writer may: Arouse our curiosity, Reveal key information, Hint at themes in the story, Set the opening scence.
        • Look for how information is withheld and revealed.
    • Question 4
      • 20 MARKS
      • A04: Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropiate textual references.
      • You will have to give a personal response to aspect of the text, such as characterisation, setting and atmosphere, or themes.
        • Comment on how these express the narrator's character.
        • Think about your own response to the aspect of the text and the reasons for it.
      • Need to consider language effects and comment on how successful you think they are.
        • Give examples of language and details you find effective.
      • Point, Evidence, Analysis.
        • To achieve higher marks, you must evaluate the text if required- this means how far has it achieved its purpose.
    • Paper 1 Section B
      • 40 MARKS
        • 24 marks for content and organisation- ideas, style and structure.
        • 16 marks for technical accuracy- spelling, punctuation and grammar.
      • 45 minutes
      • A05: Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audience.
        • Organise information and ideas, using structual grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of text.
        • When you tell a reader something you are simply informing them.
        • 'Showing is a technique that helps a reader to visualise what you are describing, making your writing more vivid and exciting.
      • Punctuation, repitition and a variety of sentece lengths can help to create different moods, tension and pace.
        • Rhetorical question used for emphasis.
      • Word chains to generate ideas.




so helpful!!! thank you!



amazing! thanks a lot!



so helpful! I'm gonna use this for my tutor session :)

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