Energy Generation

  • Created by: 16THOT
  • Created on: 16-12-20 11:27
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  • Energy Generation
    • Fossil Fuels
      • Coal
      • Oil
      • Gas
      • Non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels that were formed from the remains of animals and plants that lived millions of years ago.
    • renewable energy
      • Hydroelectric
        • A dam traps water that flows through tunnels and turns turbines to produce electricity.
      • Wind
        • Wind turbines use propellers to spin shaft which drive generators.
      • Tidal
        • Turbines generate electricity from the movement of tidal water.Atrificial tidal barriers are constructed across tidal rivers, bays and esturies.
      • Bio-Mass
        • Organic matter derived from organisms such as wood, crops, rubbish, landfill gas and alcohol fuels.This organic matter is burnt to create heat which is converted into steam energy to drive turbines.
      • Bio-Diesel
        • Made from natural elements such as plants, vegetables and fermented waste cooking oil.Can be used to power diesel powered engine for cars or trucks.
      • Solar
        • Solar (photovoltaic) panel convert the suns radiation to electrical energy.Solar thermal power plants use the sun's rays to heat a fluid that is circulated through pipes, transferring heat to water and producing steam.Steam is then converted into mechanical energy in a turbine, which is used to spin a generator.
    • Energy storage
      • Batteries and cells
        • Batteries convert chemical energy to electrical energy.
        • negative to positive
        • Prismatic cells are flexible cells.
      • Solar cells
        • These cell convert light energy into electrical energy
        • contain 2 layers of silicon, treated to allow electrons to flow
      • main electricity
        • Supplied from power stations through the national grid.
        • alternating current
      • wind power
        • Converts the movement of the air (wind) into mechanical power which can the be used to spin a generator, producing the electricity needed.
    • choosing the appropriate energy sources
      • Power output
      • Environmental impact
      • Circuit/System connections
      • Portability
      • Cost




Energy generation is usually thought about in terms of the process of converting different forms of energy or fuels into electricity or motion. Power plants change the energy or fuel from one type to another, creating clean and renewable energy. We offer you to get this recommendation linkedin generator and to learn more updates about LinkedIn. Wind turbines convert wind into the usable electrical current while windmills produce mechanical power. Other power plants are able to use a chemical reaction of potential fuels, such as coal, gas, uranium, and nuclear material to generate electricity through steam pressure.

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