Energy from Respiration 

  • Created by: Alice
  • Created on: 15-10-15 17:11
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  • Anaerobic
    • glucose = lactic acid (+energy)
    • When you are exercising and you cannot supply your muscles with enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.
    • Energy from Respiration
      • Oxygen Debt
        • when you stop exercising, if you have a build up of lactic acid you must beak this down into carbon dioxide and oxygen
          • this process requires oxygen. the amount of oxygen required is called the oxygen debt.
            • the higher the debt the longer you continue to breathe deeply and quickly
  • one reason why this happens is because of the build up of lactic acid.
    • Muscle fatigue happens when you use your muscle fibers too much and they don't contract efficiently.
      • Anaerobic
        • glucose = lactic acid (+energy)
        • When you are exercising and you cannot supply your muscles with enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.
        • Energy from Respiration
          • Oxygen Debt
            • when you stop exercising, if you have a build up of lactic acid you must beak this down into carbon dioxide and oxygen
              • this process requires oxygen. the amount of oxygen required is called the oxygen debt.
                • the higher the debt the longer you continue to breathe deeply and quickly
  • Why respire?
    • to provide energy to build larger molecules from smaller ones.
    • to provide energy to contract muscles.
    • to control body temperature in mammals and birds.
  • What happens when you exercise?
    • heart rate up, arteries widen
      • increased blood flow to muscles
        • increased oxygen an glucose in muscles
          • faster respiration
            • faster removal of carbon dioxide from muscles


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