energy for biological processes

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  • energy for biological processes
    • outline of the stages of respiration.
      • glycolysis
        • the formation pyruvic acid in the cytoplasm
      • electron transport chain
        • oxidative phosphorylati-on
          • using hydrogen to produce ATP in the inner mitochondrial membrane
    • anaerobic respiration
      • 1. In animals - The H combines with the product of glycolysis, PA. This forms lactic acid.
        • 2. In plants and some microorganisms (e.g, yeast) the pyruvic acid has CO2 removed to form ethanal. Then ethanal accepts the H to become reduced and forms ethanol
          • Both these processes will only produce the ATPs made in glycolysis, i.e. 2 molecules of ATP. Compared to aerobic respiration, this is very poor
            • 1. In animals - The H combines with the product of glycolysis, PA. This forms lactic acid.
              • 2. In plants and some microorganisms (e.g, yeast) the pyruvic acid has CO2 removed to form ethanal. Then ethanal accepts the H to become reduced and forms ethanol
                • Both these processes will only produce the ATPs made in glycolysis, i.e. 2 molecules of ATP. Compared to aerobic respiration, this is very poor
                  • these products of ethanol and lactic acid will become toxic to the organisms. T-he formation of ethanol can't be reversed so if it gets to a high enough level it will kill the organism.
                    • the formation of lactic acid can be reversed but needs oxygen.
                    • Anaerobic respiration builds up an oxygen debt that has to be paid off quickly e.g, when lifting weights in your arms, your muscles will start to burn. This is an effect of the lactic acid building up.
            • these products of ethanol and lactic acid will become toxic to the organisms. T-he formation of ethanol can't be reversed so if it gets to a high enough level it will kill the organism.
              • the formation of lactic acid can be reversed but needs oxygen.
              • Anaerobic respiration builds up an oxygen debt that has to be paid off quickly e.g, when lifting weights in your arms, your muscles will start to burn. This is an effect of the lactic acid building up.
    • the stages of respiration-in detail
      • electron transfer chain.
        • Each hydrogen atom is split into its parts H+ and electron. The electron is the part that actually gets passed down the chain from carrier to carrier. The H+ remains in the mitochondrial matrix.
          • The electron carriers are at lower energy levels which is why, as the electron moves on from one carrier to the next some energy is released.
            • This energy is used to pump H+ from the matrix into the space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membrane. The H+ concentrat-ion increases as a result, forming a concentration gradient
              • This means that the H+ ions have electrical potential energy. H+ flows back down the gradient into the matrix through protein channels.
                • joined with each channel is an enzyme, ATP synthase. As the H+ ions flow through, their energy is used to make ATP.
                  • this theory of how ATP is made is called the chemios-motic theory
                  • For every reduced NAD feeding hydrogen into the chain, enough energy is released to make 3 ATP molecules.
                  • For every reduced FAD feeding hydrogen into the chain, enough energy is released to make 2 ATP molecules
                  • Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor in the chain, so oxygen, and hydrogen ions join together to form water.
                    • When there is no oxygen to act as a final acceptor, the chain and Krebs cycle do not function
                      • anaerobic respiration
                        • The reduced NADs from glycolysis do need to have the H removed so they can return to pick up more and allow the process to continue
        • krebs cycle
          • also known as the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle
          • 1. each 2C combines with a 4C to make a 6C compound
            • 2C- acetylCo  4C-oxaloa-cetic acid   6C-citric acid
            • 2. in a series of steps for each 6C compound, 2 CO2 molecules are released,3 NAD molecules are reduced,1 FAD molecule is reduced,1 ATP molecule is made directly
              • 3.The 4C compound is regenerated  so that the cycle can begin again with more molecules of acetylCoA.
        • glycolysis
          • 1. glucose is phosphorylat-ed  twice to make 6C sugar phosphate. 2 ATP's are used to supply to P groups(makes glucose more reactive)
            • 2. the 6C sugar phosphate breaks down to form 2, 3-carbon sugar phosphates (triose phosphates (TP))
              • 3.a hydrogen is removed from each of the 2 TP molecules. the hydrogens are passed to 2 NAD's (are reduced)
                • 3.b 2 ATP's are made directly from the conversion of each TP to pyurvic acid (PA or pyruvate) as the phosphate groups are removed.
          • into : 1 glucose,2 NAD and 2 ATP
          • out of: 2 pyruvic acids, 2 reduced NAD, 4 ATP
      • aerobic respiration
        • ATP- adenosine triphosphate is the universal currency of energy. It is a small molecule with 3 phosphate groups attached to an adenosine molecule i.e Adenosine-P-P-P. During respiration high energy C-C, C-H and C-OH bond are broken.
          • Lower energy bonds are formed and the difference is released and used to attach a Pto Adenosine-P-P( ADP adenosine diphosphate), making ATP.
            • when energy is required later on, it can use the ATP and break off a P from the end, which releases the energy needed
              • For aerobic respiration to occur, mitochondria is needed.
              • (30.6KJ for every ATP, ADP+ P). the more ATP’s used, the more energy is required.
        • Requires oxygen to fully oxidise the organic molecule, which requires a lot of energy.
          • ATP- adenosine triphosphate is the universal currency of energy. It is a small molecule with 3 phosphate groups attached to an adenosine molecule i.e Adenosine-P-P-P. During respiration high energy C-C, C-H and C-OH bond are broken.
            • Lower energy bonds are formed and the difference is released and used to attach a Pto Adenosine-P-P( ADP adenosine diphosphate), making ATP.
              • when energy is required later on, it can use the ATP and break off a P from the end, which releases the energy needed
                • For aerobic respiration to occur, mitochondria is needed.
                • (30.6KJ for every ATP, ADP+ P). the more ATP’s used, the more energy is required.


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