Empirical Formulae and Hydrated Salts

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  • Empirical Formulae and Stoichiometry
    • 'The Molecular Formula of a substance shows the number of atoms of each element in one moleucle of the substance'
    • 'The empirical formula of a substance shows the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a substance'
    • Formulae of Hydrated Salts
      • When you have some compounds dissolved in water and the water evaporates you are left with crystals
        • The water may still be there but locked in ions around the crystals
          • This water is called the water of crystallisation and is part of the solid structure of the compound
      • If a hydrated salt is heated, the water may be driven off as steam, leaving the salt behind but with no water of crystallisation. This is called an anhydrous salt
      • A salt which includes some water of crystallisation is called a hydrated salt


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