elasticites of demand

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  • ___ of Demand
    • PED
      • significance of PED
        • inelastic - passed onto consumer, but ineffective in reducing output but higher tax revenue for the government
        • the more elastic - lower the incidence of tax - when ped is elasti - supplier will have to cover most the cost
    • YED
      • responsivness of demand to a chnage in income - %change in QD/ %change income
        • inferior good - YED< 0 - rise in income - fall in demand for good
          • normal good - YED>0 - rise in income - rise in demad
            • luxery good- YED>1
      • significnce of YED
        • how sales will be affected by income of pop
        • impact type of goods a firm produces
    • XED
      • responsivness of demand for one product (a) to chnage in price of another product (b)
        • %chnage in QD of A/ % chnage in price of B
          • significance - how price chnages by other firms will impact them
            • subsitutes - XED>0 - inrease of price of good B will increase demand fr good A
              • complements - XED< 0 increase in price of good B will decrease demand for good B
                • unrelated goods - XED=)
  • respeonsivness of demand to a change in the price of the good - % change in QD/ % chnage in price
  • numercal values
    • unitery elastic - PED=1 - quenity demanded changes bu exactly same % as price
      • relatively elastic - PED>1 - quanitity demanded chnages by a larger % then price - demand is relatvely responsive to price
        • perfectly elastic - PED=infinity - change in price means quanitity falls to 0 and demand is very responsive to price
          • relativley inleastic - PED< 1 -quanitity demanded chnages by a smaller percentage than price - demand is realatively unresponsive to price
            • prefectly inelastic = PED=0 a chnage in price has no effect on outout - demand is unresponsive to price
    • ___ of Demand
      • PED
        • significance of PED
          • inelastic - passed onto consumer, but ineffective in reducing output but higher tax revenue for the government
          • the more elastic - lower the incidence of tax - when ped is elasti - supplier will have to cover most the cost
      • YED
        • responsivness of demand to a chnage in income - %change in QD/ %change income
          • inferior good - YED< 0 - rise in income - fall in demand for good
            • normal good - YED>0 - rise in income - rise in demad
              • luxery good- YED>1
        • significnce of YED
          • how sales will be affected by income of pop
          • impact type of goods a firm produces
      • XED
        • responsivness of demand for one product (a) to chnage in price of another product (b)
          • %chnage in QD of A/ % chnage in price of B
            • significance - how price chnages by other firms will impact them
              • subsitutes - XED>0 - inrease of price of good B will increase demand fr good A
                • complements - XED< 0 increase in price of good B will decrease demand for good B
                  • unrelated goods - XED=)


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