Edward VI : Overview - 1547-1553 (Somerset and Northumberland)

  • Created by: ArronK99
  • Created on: 10-01-17 16:11
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  • Edward VI Overview - 1547-53
    • Northumberland - 1549-53
      • Foreign Policy
        • Gave up the war with Scotland to deal with internal problems in England
        • Wanted an alliance with France, as he realised England's main enemies would be the Catholic countries of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire
        • Treaty of Boulogne (1550)
          • England had to return Boulogne to the French and remove all garrisons from Scotland. Also resulted in a marriage alliance between Edward VI and Henry II's daughter, Elizabeth
      • Religion
        • January 1552 parliament
          • Treason act - it became an offence to question Royal Supremacy or any of the English Church's beliefs
          • 2nd Act of Uniformity - it became an offence for both clergy and laity to not attend CofE servics
          • 1552 prayer book - removed all traces of Catholicism and reduced the significance of Eucharist
        • In 1553, altars were to be replaced by communion tables
      • Economy
        • Population increase led to more pressure on food prices and supplies
          • Poor harvest in the early 1550's also led to an increase in prices
        • Social unrest following the rebellions of 1549
        • Cloth trade to the Netherlands dropped in 1551 due to problems in Antwerp, leading to unemployment
        • 1548 sheep tax was repealed in 1550
        • Treason act of 1550 re-imposed censorship laws, restoring law and order
        • 1552 poor law made parishes raise money for the poor
      • Succession crisis (1553)
        • When it was clear Edward would die, Northumberland realised he would lose his position if Mary became Queen
          • In order to prevent this, he realised that Henry's will had declared both Mary and Elizabeth illegitimate following the collapse of his marriages
            • However Henry's will allowed his youngest sister's family a claim to the throne
              • Northumberland exploited this by marrying his son to Lady Jane Grey who would take the throne after Edward, however she only ruled for 9 days before Mary took the throne
    • Somerset - 1547-49
      • Foreign Policy
        • Supposed to have a marriage between Edward and Mary Queen of Scots
        • Scottish didn't like the alliance so made an alliance with France, causing somerset to declare war on Scotland
        • Somerset pulled out the war in 1549 to deal with rebellions taking place in England
      • Downfall
        • Western Rebellion
          • Caused by a mix of religious and socio-economic aggravation in South West England (Cornwall, Devon etc)
            • Changes to catholic services and doctrine e.g. English Bible and service, new prayer book etc
            • Inflation, over-population, enclosure, sheep tax
        • Kett's Rebellion
          • Caused by socio-economic and religious issues, however religion wasn't the main motive
            • Bad harvest, inflation, enclosure, belief that the local government was profiting from not having a real king
            • Inadequate clergy, priests owning land and not being taxed
          • Was put down by the Earl of Warwick, who ordered the council to arrest Somerset, making Warwick the regent and the Duke of Northumberland
            • Northumberland - 1549-53
              • Foreign Policy
                • Gave up the war with Scotland to deal with internal problems in England
                • Wanted an alliance with France, as he realised England's main enemies would be the Catholic countries of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire
                • Treaty of Boulogne (1550)
                  • England had to return Boulogne to the French and remove all garrisons from Scotland. Also resulted in a marriage alliance between Edward VI and Henry II's daughter, Elizabeth
              • Religion
                • January 1552 parliament
                  • Treason act - it became an offence to question Royal Supremacy or any of the English Church's beliefs
                  • 2nd Act of Uniformity - it became an offence for both clergy and laity to not attend CofE servics
                  • 1552 prayer book - removed all traces of Catholicism and reduced the significance of Eucharist
                • In 1553, altars were to be replaced by communion tables
              • Economy
                • Population increase led to more pressure on food prices and supplies
                  • Poor harvest in the early 1550's also led to an increase in prices
                • Social unrest following the rebellions of 1549
                • Cloth trade to the Netherlands dropped in 1551 due to problems in Antwerp, leading to unemployment
                • 1548 sheep tax was repealed in 1550
                • Treason act of 1550 re-imposed censorship laws, restoring law and order
                • 1552 poor law made parishes raise money for the poor
              • Succession crisis (1553)
                • When it was clear Edward would die, Northumberland realised he would lose his position if Mary became Queen
                  • In order to prevent this, he realised that Henry's will had declared both Mary and Elizabeth illegitimate following the collapse of his marriages
                    • However Henry's will allowed his youngest sister's family a claim to the throne
                      • Northumberland exploited this by marrying his son to Lady Jane Grey who would take the throne after Edward, however she only ruled for 9 days before Mary took the throne
        • Was put down by the Earl of Warwick, who ordered the council to arrest Somerset, making Warwick the regent and the Duke of Northumberland
        • Religion
          • Introduced measures to remove HVIII six articles act
          • Made it so that services, prayer books and bibles were in English
          • The Chantries act abolished the Chantries as they were to closely linked to Catholicism
            • Introduced to fund Scottish war
              • Foreign Policy
                • Supposed to have a marriage between Edward and Mary Queen of Scots
                • Scottish didn't like the alliance so made an alliance with France, causing somerset to declare war on Scotland
                • Somerset pulled out the war in 1549 to deal with rebellions taking place in England
          • Act of Uniformity imposed a single standard of worship across England
        • Economy
          • Investigated illegal enclosure, which made poor peasants happy but angered the gentry who owned enclosed farms
          • Inflation and rising population caused increased food prices and a shortage of food


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