Edward the elder

  • Created by: Abiewan
  • Created on: 13-05-18 14:52
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  • Edward the elder (899-924)
    • dynastic issues
      • threat of Aethelwold
        • at the start of Edwards reign
        • edward lost the battle but the threat had been deakt with as both Aethworld and Yorik had died
      • overlord of Mercia
        • his sister, Aetalflead ,had more influence and was married to the king of Mercia
        • charters also suggest the after Alfred's death, Mercia ruled in its own right and had no over lord
        • when Edward's sister died her daughter, Aelfwynn, was  lady of Mercia
          • Edward removed Aelfwynn and took control of Mercia
      • marriages
        • he married 3 times
          • his second marriage was to his 2nd cousin to support his claim in wessex
    • to what extent did Raegnald pose as a threat
      • he did not follow the past agreement Alfred had made with the vikings
      • he made him self king of York in 919
        • this battle lead to him becoming king
          • Battle of Corbridge 918 between Viking forces led by Raegnald and Constantine II of Scotland the Vikings suffered huge losses and only a quarter of their force survived.
      • Battle of Corbridge 918 between Viking forces led by Raegnald and Constantine II of Scotland the Vikings suffered huge losses and only a quarter of their force survived.
      • 920 he made an agreement with Edward but it is not certain if he accepted Edward as his over lord
    • conquering the danelaw
      • both Edward and his sister built more burhs
        • for example one at bedford
      • 906 Edward made peace with the East Anglian and Northumbrian Danes. made some kind of payment in exchange for peace.
      • 917 The Anglo-Saxons defeated the Danes at Tempsford. The sole surviving Danish King of East Anglia was killed in the Battle
      • 917 Edward defeated the Danes and took Colchester.
      • 917  Edward received the submission of all the Danes south of the River Humber
    • 916 Edward’s daughter, Eadgifu, married Charles the Simple, King of the Franks. 
    • submission of the Welsh and Scottish kings
      • Edward continued to press north, in 920 fortifying Nottingham and Bakewell. After this show of power, he was accepted as overlord by the rulers of Northumbria, including York, Wales, Strathclyde, and the Scots
      • 909 Edward’s forces made a number of successful raids into Northumbria
      • 910 Battle of Tettenhall. The combined forces of Mercia and Wessex defeated the Northumbrian Viking


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