character analysis of Edward Lyons

  • Created by: loupardoe
  • Created on: 24-10-16 15:04
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  • Edward Lyons
    • comfortable in middle class and working class settings
      • returns to his parents, dresses smartly and has middle class interests- doesn't become fully immersed in working class life
      • fits in with mickey and linda very quickly- could suggest he's more comfortable in a working class environment
      • seems naturally drawn to mrs Johnston- could hint at natural identity
      • rebels against Mrs Lyons by going to Mickey's estate. finds mickey exciting and wants to be more like him- he rejects his middle class parents for his working class friends
    • becomes naïve about working-class problems
      • has spent too long in a middle class world, which makes him lose touch with working class issues- he comes back unable to empathise with his best friend
      • when he suggests that mickey should just 'draw the dole' and 'live like a bohemian', he demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of mickey's situation
      • Edward tries to offer mickey money, but mickey throws it back in his face- reminds the audience of when mrs lyons tried to pay off mrs Johnston. he comes to think that money fixes problems and doesn't consider the other persons self esteem
      • when he returns from uni, he is full of excitement- his repetition shows how much he's enjoying it
    • privileged but stifled upbringing
      • upbringing is very strict. raised to be polite and well-behaved
      • Mrs Lyons says she can provide Edward with everything he wants and needs. suggests he has a very luxurious upbringing, which makes him generous and happy to share
      • Edward has opportunities that mickey doesn't. his private education leads him to uni and a good career
      • the twin that Mrs Johnston gives away. grows up in a middle class home
      • confident- 'will you be my best friend?'
      • polite- 'hello Mrs Johnston. How are you?'
      • impresionable-'you say smashing things'
    • loyalty is questionable
      • Edward loves linda, but he wont ask her out because of his loyalty to mickey. he selflessly encourages them to get together
      • after he falls out with mickey, he asks linda to marry him- ultimate betrayal of mickey
      • uses his position to get linda and mickey a house and mickey a job
      • does this behind mickey's back which makes it see patronising
    • behaves differently depending on who he's with
      • comfortable in very formal situations
      • becomes more informal around working class characters
      • ability to change his speech and behaviour for his environment allows him to succeed
    • has opportunities, but his personal life is difficult
      • as an adult, still doesn't seem to have a partner
      • has a good education and access to books, but struggles to put knowledge into practice- e.g. he's read about how to approach girls but doesn't have a girlfriend


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