Education Topic 1 - class differences in achievement (external)

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  • diet and health - Howard (2001): kids from poorer homes from lower intakes of vitamins/minerals = more absences.
    • Wilkinson (1996): the lower the social class, more likely to have hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders
    • Material deprivation
      • poor housing - harder to study, disturbed sleep. development impaired because of lack of space to play/explore
      • fear of debt - uni's more expensive, w/c families want to avoid debt so don't send children to uni
      • cost of education - Tanner: the cost of items such as transport, uniforms, books, computers, calculators, sports, music and art equipment put a strain on poorer families
  • Cultural capital - Bourdieu (1984)
    • knowledge, attitudes, values language, tastes and abilities of the m/c = gives an advantage
    • Class differences in achievement (external factors)
      • Material deprivation
        • poor housing - harder to study, disturbed sleep. development impaired because of lack of space to play/explore
        • fear of debt - uni's more expensive, w/c families want to avoid debt so don't send children to uni
        • cost of education - Tanner: the cost of items such as transport, uniforms, books, computers, calculators, sports, music and art equipment put a strain on poorer families
    • m/c students better placed to take advantage of the choices offered by the education system


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