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  • Eating Behaviour - MOOD
    • Our emotional states affect eating habits, either in small unnoticeable ways or in ways that explain abnormal eating practices
      • Those exhibiting vulnerability responds to stress by eating more, while those with low vulnerability eat less
        • Low mood can often result in comfort eating, although occasionally it seems to have the opposite effect and can cause reduction of eating
      •  This may occur due to differences in childhood experiences of food, attitudes towards eating or variations in our biology that cause dissimilarities in vulnerability to the effects of stress
    • Garg et al observed the food choices of 38 participants who watched either an upbeat, funny movie or a sad and depressing movie. Participants were offered buttered popcorn and seedless grapes throughout the films. Those watching the sad film consumed 36% more popcorn than those watching the upbeat film, but the upbeat film group ate far more grapes than the other group
      • Garg et al claims the people who feel sad or depressed want to 'jolt themselves out of the dumps' so are more likely to go for a snack which gives them a feeling of euphoria
      • When participants were presented with nutritional information about the foods (among other information) prior to viewing, consumption of the relatively unhealthy foods dropped dramatically
        • Suggests when we eat to comfort ourselves we would do well to check the nutritional information on the foods we indulge in
      • Evaluation of Garg et al: low sample size = problems with generalisability, high control = lack of external variables/low ecological validity, Diathesis-Stress model
    • During the winter we are more likely to eat high CHO foods (link to SAD)
    • Bellisle et al (found no difference in the amount and types of food eaten by men when due or not due to undergo surgery


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