
  • Created by: NinaTan
  • Created on: 21-01-18 10:47
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  • Easter
    • Holy Week
      • Holy Week is the week before Easter and begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday.
        • Palm Sunday remembers the way Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem by a crowd which five days later denied him. Christians celebrate by processing near the church with pal leaves or having Bible readings of Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
        • Holy Thursday remembers the Last Supper and is celebrated with a special Eucharist. In Anglican and Catholic churches the altar is stripped and all crosses are covered as Good Friday and Holy Saturday are days of mourning.
        • Good Friday remembers the death of Jesus. Catholic churches have prayers at the stations of the cross. Holy Saturday is a day of reflection and no services are held on this day.
    • Significance of Holy Week
      • Christians have and opportunity to renew their faith.
      • It remind them how Jesus faced adulation, then rejection and crucifixion on Palm Sunday. This means hey can think about their role in thew world.
      • It reminds them that Jesus is worthy of their praise.
      • It reminds Christians of the origins of Eucharist and of the suffering Jesus went through.
      • It reminds them of the salvation brought by Jesus.
    • Easter Day
      • All Christians have a joyful service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope for eternal life which this brings.
      • Some Christians celebrate with the Easter vigil which has a ceremony of light, Bible readings, renewal of baptismal vows and the Eucharist.
      • Catholics have a special Mass later on Easter Day, which is the only occasion where Catholics are allowed to take communion twice.
    • SIgnificance
      • It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe to prove the identity of Jesus. If Jesus rose from eh dead it shows the two natures of Jesus as taught in the creeds.
      • It is the final part of the work by Jesus and shows how Jesus was trying to bring people back to God through forgiveness of sins and resurrection.
      • It celebrates eternal life for all whom follow Jesus and give assurance that Jesus is not dead.
      • It celebrated Jesus' victory over evil and death which is why many Christians are baptised on Easter Sunday and proves the predictions Jesus made about his death (John 2:19-22) were true.
  • Easter Day
    • All Christians have a joyful service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope for eternal life which this brings.
    • Some Christians celebrate with the Easter vigil which has a ceremony of light, Bible readings, renewal of baptismal vows and the Eucharist.
    • Catholics have a special Mass later on Easter Day, which is the only occasion where Catholics are allowed to take communion twice.
  • SIgnificance
    • It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe to prove the identity of Jesus. If Jesus rose from eh dead it shows the two natures of Jesus as taught in the creeds.
    • It is the final part of the work by Jesus and shows how Jesus was trying to bring people back to God through forgiveness of sins and resurrection.
    • It celebrates eternal life for all whom follow Jesus and give assurance that Jesus is not dead.
    • It celebrated Jesus' victory over evil and death which is why many Christians are baptised on Easter Sunday and proves the predictions Jesus made about his death (John 2:19-22) were true.


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