Duty and Morality - The Awakening

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  • Duty, Morality, and Consequences
    • False Hope and Optimism
      • Break Down of Previous Hope
        • "the large dining room looked solemn and shadowy"
        • "the light sputtered and went out"
        • "sudden and brief flare of the match emphasised the darkness"
        • [thriving from vulnerability] "how strange and awful..to stand naked under the sky! how delicious! She felt like some new born creature..."
          • PUNISH-MENT - "the wind on her naked front. It blows her *******"
            • Edna still shows strength in death, her new self is what she strived for, she herself doesn't blame or doubt herself, rather it was merely the fault of society - the society of her time were not ready, prepared to handle her strength and independence
            • "flaxen-haired...beautiful" VS "brain's exposed... muscles' webbing"
        • "a bird with a broken wing...circling disabled down, down to the water"
        • PUNISH-MENT - "she was a barked sapling [now] dug up oak-bone"
      • "He was naked. His  attitude was one of hopeless resignation as he looked toward a distant bird winging its flight away from him"
      • "the bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings"
      • "light was beginning to dawn dimly within her"
      • "the candelabra, with a few candles... gave all the light she needed"
      • "a flaming torch that kindled desire"
      • + [fairy-tale romance of Robert]
      • THE LOVE POEM - "love's light fading, darkening, black as ink on a page"
      • PUNISH-MENT - "she was a barked sapling [now] dug up oak-bone"
    • Social Conventions
      • Edna's Sense of Self
        • "recognise her relations as an individual to the world"
        • "enabling her to look upon and comprehend the significance of life"
        • "a mist had been lifted from her eyes"
      • "The children appeared before her like antagonists..."
      • "little stinging buzzing imps..."
      • "alien world which had suddenly become antagonistic.."
      • "was not a condition of life which fitted her...pity of that colourless existence"
      • "the voices [of the sky and stars above] ... jeered and sounded mournful notes..."
      • FOR MY LOVER - "the children are there like delicate balloons..."
        • "like a monument... she is solid...I am watercolour"


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