Drug Therapy

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  • Drug Therapy
    • Evaluation
      • P's who end up with extra-pyramidal (EP) side effects may need more medication or stop taking their anti-psychotics
      • A study of 6,000 Ps. 64% on placebo relapsed and 27% on drugs relapsed
      • Atypical result in less side effects and P's are more likely to carry on taking their medication
      • Ethics - in the US someone suffered from Tardive Dyskinesia after taking typical meds received a settlement under the Human Rights Act
      • They both seem have the same effect on symptoms but typical had (EP) effects and atypical had weight gain.
      • People who take medication may be less likely to consider their stressors and they may not look for other solutions
    • Anti-psychotics
      • Typical
        • An example is chlorpromazine which gets rid of the + symptoms
        • Hallucinations and delusions subside after a few days but it can take a few weeks for improvement to be noticed
        • They are antagonists and bind to but don't stimulate D2 receptors
        • 60-75% of D2 receptors must be blocked by typical block receptors all over the brain
        • These were developed in the 1950's
        • This leads to a side effect called Tardive Dyskinesia
      • Atypical
        • They also benefit the - symptoms and cognitive impairment
        • These carry a smaller risk of extra-pyramidal side effects
        • These only temporarily occupy the D2 receptors to allow normal D production
        • These were developed in the 1960's and 70's and an example is clozapine
        • These block D2 and serotonin receptors


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