Drug therapy - biological Approach

  • Created by: Stephkyte
  • Created on: 13-05-16 11:30
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  • Drug Therapy
    • Antipsychotic Drugs:
      • Treats psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia. (Lost touch with reality) with Dopamine.
      • Atypical antipsychotic drugs: Clorazil act by temporarily occupying dopamine receptors.
    • Antidepressant Drugs:
      • Depression is linked to high levels of serotonin being produced by the Synapse.
      • SSRI's - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
    • Antianxiety Drugs:
      • The drugs most commonly used for anxiety and stress are neurotransmitters such as benzodiazepines (BZs)
      • BZs are slowed down the activity of the Central Nervous System and enhance the GABA.
      • Beta-blockers: They reduce the activity of the adrenaline and Noradrenaline.
    • Evaluation:
      • Drugs verses placebo's
        • Typically a random control trial used to compare a placebo and the effectiveness of the drug.
        • Case Study: Soomro et al - 17 studies of SSRI's with OCD with a component of depression.
      • Side Effects
        • Nausea, headache and Insomnia are common side effects of SSRI's.
        • Side effects of Tricyclic antidepressants are hallucinations and irregular heartbeat. These are only used when SSRI's are ineffective.
      • Symptoms not cause
        • One criticism is that, while drugs may be effective in treating the symptoms of the psychological disorder but doesn't address the underlying problem.
        • Example: If a person is suffering depression in adulthood because of a serious childhood trauma so antidepressants may provide an effective short term solution.
        • Comparison with other treatments: Drug therapy is cheap for the patient. The practitioner has to invest less time in the patient because they only meet a couple times a month.
      • Ethical Issues
        • Use of Placebo's: The effectiveness of the drug, If the effectiveness existed then it should be used as the controlled condition when it is being tested.
        • Patient Information: Lack of Valid Consent, forgetting all the relevant facts of the side effects of the drugs, Medical professionals may not fully explain the benefits of the drugs are slim.


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