draft cold war othodox

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  • The Orthodox School
    • Orthodox Views emerged in the USA and other western countries in the early 1950s.
      • Was known as the "traditional" view
    • Orthodox historians pin the blame for the outbreak of the cold war on Stalin and the Soviet union.
      • They believe the soviet union initiated the Cold War by seeking to expand and exert its power over Europe and Asia.
        • This belief stems from Lenin's doctrine,  Marxist-Leninism preached an international revolution and world communism
        • This belief also stems from Stalins mistrust of the west
    • https://alphahistory.com/coldwar/cold-war-historiography/
    • They believe that Stalin broke the agreements made at Yalta and Potsdam so that he could expand communism into eastern Europe and the rest of the world.
      • Stalins actions led to the break up of the Grand Alliance and the start of the Cold War.
    • Orthodox's think that the USA had only passive or reactive role in the events.
      • American Leaders started negotiations in 1945.
        • They did not sought after any territory and were guided by principles rather than self-interest.
      • Roosevelt and Truman sought conciliation with Stain and a relationship with the Soviet Union.
      • The USA acted in defence of self-determination and democracy after Stalin violated the Agreements of 1945.
        • Orthodox historians criticise the economic policy and political repression with the soviet system.
          • While ignoring the shortcoming of American capitalism.
    • The Orthodox view became the accepted position of the United states during the 1950s.
      • The view aligned perfectly with American interests and justified US policies like the Truman Doctrine and the Domino Theory.
        • Remained the prevailing explanation of the Cold war until the emergence of Revisionist historians in the 1960s.
    • Advocates include Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr, Herbert Feis, Thomas A. Bailey and Louis J. Halle
      • Many Orthodox historians held official positions with the US State Department or other government bodies.


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