Character Profile: Dr Lanyon

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  • Dr Hastie Lanyon
    • social status
      • upperclass gentleman, friendly and sociable
        • 'hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman'
      • descriptions make him seem larger than life, and his friendliness seems almost 'theatrical' suggesting he is putting on a front
        • 'sprang up from his chair and welcomed him with both hands'
      • similar to Jekyll, they have a lot in common and are both respected men
        • 'inseparable friends
      • he only appears briefly but his narrative helps to solve the story. he serves as a reminder of how many people were stuck in their conventional beliefs
        • 'life shaken to its roots'
    • science
      • very different views than Jekyll, canyon deals with rational science in the material world whilst Jekyll's experiments are mystic and supernatural
        • 'such unscientific balderdash'
      • Jekyll thinks Lanyon is stuck in his ways for being sceptical, and so they grow apart
        • 'ignorant, hidebound pedant'
      • Jekyll's work was too controversial, and so in order to protect himself, and his love of convention, he distances himself from his friend
        • 'Jekyll became too fanciful for me'
      • his name 'Hastie' suggests he is quick to judge, he doesn't like to fully understand Jekyll's work before he forms an opinion on it
    • the effect of Jekyll's secret
      • Lanyon never guessed the truth about Jekyll and Hyde, and he concluded from rational thinking that his need for the drugs is due to an illness
        • 'cerebral disease'
      • he is also tempted to find out this side of science, as when Hyde takes the potion, he doesn't restrain from watching what it does
        • 'gone too far'
      • he is shown evidence of the supernatural that he can't ignore. It has such an impact on him that even his appearance is affected.
        • 'the rosy man had grown pale, his flesh had fallen away'
      • he can't cope with what he is shown, his whole world is affected by Jekyll's discovery. his shock is shown by the breakdown of his language. we also see how he clings to his conventional beliefs in order to justify what he is seeing, he won't accept it
        • 'o God, o God!'
      • he dies from such a shock and revelation that he can't recover from
        • 'my soul sickened at it, I must die'


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