Do PGs promote efficient and effective government?

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  • Do pressure groups promote efficient and effective government? (25 marks)
    • Effective
      • To deliver the best policies and outcomes
      • Thinking of the long term benefits
    • Efficient
      • The ability to make decisions promptly with no wasted time or resources.
      • Where energy is not diverted
    • 'The Government'
      • Legislature
      • Executive
      • Judicary
        • Stonewall used courts to get decisions made in the army - cant have an effective and efficient government with court battles going on
    • Douglas Hurd (Conservative) criticised Pressure Groups in 1986 to be "strangling serpents"
    • Yes
      • Policy implementa-tion
        • National Farmers Union works for the Department for Rural Affairs in implementing policies related, for example, to farm subsidies, disease control and animal welfare.
          • Therefore PGs promote effective government as they work and live around the areas that concerns these policies and are the voice for farmers all over the UK
        • Pressure groups target certain areas, meaning that they can help influence government policies regarding this for the better - ie. BMA represent people working in healthcare and address their issues to the government so that the government make decisions that help the people working in that certain sector.
      • They limit government, groups check government power, and defend rights and freedom. The government listens to many pressure groups wants and needs.
        • and so they can be seen as making the government more efficient as the government is able to discuss that PGs wants and needs and then address them directly
      • They maintain stability by providing a channel of communication between citizens and government, Pressure groups make government more efficient and effective by ensuring that the government responds correctly to popular demands and concerns
        • Therefore PGs act as a kind of safety valve in the political system
    • No
      • Do pressure groups make government decision making slow, expensive and wasteful?
      • Pressure groups have been criticised for becoming overly close with government, and therefore endangering their independence
      • It can be seen that policy implementa-tion gives groups unfair political leverage in influencing policy decisions.
      • Pressure groups undermine government by bypassing represent-ative processes. They also make the policy process 'closed' and more secretive by exerting influence through negotiations and deals that are in no way subject to public scrutiny.
        • Therefore not effective as they aren't delivering the best policies and outcomes for the public
      • Lobbyists
        • Not efficient, delaying decision making
    • Governments consult groups for three reasons: The need for specialized knowledge and advice to inform the policy process, the desire to gain the cooperation of important groups, the need to gauge the reaction of affected groups to proposed policies or government measures.


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