Difference (Post Modern) Feminism

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  • Difference (Post Modern) Feminism
    • This type of feminism includes black feminism due to concerns that many other feminist theories focused too much on white women
      • Difference feminists emphasise while all women suffer many of the same problems, not all women are in the same position as oppression can take different forms
        • For example, specific groups face multiple oppression such as racism and homophobia as well as patriarchal oppression
          • This is particularly the case in postmodern societies where social structures have weakened as sources of identify and people pick their identities and lifestyles from a range of choices
    • Evaluation
      • Strengths
        • It accounts for different forms of oppression that women experience besides the patriarchy, such as racism and homophobia
      • Weaknesses
        • Doesn't bring the other branches of feminism together, it further fragments it and fails to see that women have important similarities in that they all face the patriarchy and therefore weakens the feminist movement


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