Russia revision part 3

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  • Developments between the revolutions of 1917
    • Return of Lenin
      • Lenin returned after the February revolution in 1917
        • he came back as he saw radicalism rise and saw it as a way he could enforce his idea on 'dictatorship of the proletariat'
        • Lenins radical polcies were different from thos of other socialist parties
          • The provisional government should be brought down
          • Workers to take power through the soviet
          • Land to be handed over to the peasants immediately
          • Complete opposition to the war
    • Lenin's April Thesis
      • Talked about being against the war and was determined to end it which appealed to peasants and workers
      • Wanted soviets to take power, so land would be given to the local soviets
      • Wanted to establish workers' control of industry
      • No support for the Provisional Government was given
      • They focused on strengthening the bourgeoisie
    • July Days
      • was a spontaneous uprising in Petrograd that happened in the first week of July in 1917
      • was caused by the Provisional Governments escalation of war efforts, the collapse in government industry and a stream o f Bolshevik propaganda trying to transfer power to the Soviets
        • the provisional government adherence to the war radicalised many soldiers - heightening chances of revolt
      • thousands of disgruntled workers, soldiers and Kronstadt sailors thought the time had come for a Soviet revolution
        • revolutionary action was faster then even Lenin would've preferred
        • This revolution was mainly to attack the Provisional Government and take them out of power
        • But neither the Soviet Leaders nor the Bolsheviks were ready to endorse their actions. Which starved the organisation and leadership, causing the uprising to fail.
        • They were revolting because there were shortages of fuel and raw materials- forced closure on 586 factories- the workers demanded for price control but the provisional government didn't do anything because they were scared they were acting against industrialists
      • on July the 3rd
      • Bolsheviks were held responsible for this uprising and their leaders were targeted, arrested, and driven into exile
        • At this point the Bolsheviks seemed weak and unlikely to gain the power they wanted
    • Problems facing the provisional government
      • 1. The petrograd soviet, which forbade people to obey the Provisional government unless the the soviet agreed - they did nothing about it
      • 2. inflation and hunger - they failed because it didn't end the war
      • 3. The peasants, who started taking the nobles land - the provisional government sent troops to take back the land, which made problems worse
      • 4. War, which Russia was losing- the PG set up 'death squads' to execute deserters, which made the army hate the government
      • 5. Bolshevik rebellion (July days) - the PG put down the riots, but it allowed freedom of speech and released political prisoners, which then HELPED the Bolsheviks
      • 6.The Pro-Tsar rebellion led by Kornilov (Kornilov coup) in August 1917- The PG could not defeat it - so asked the Bolsheviks for help
    • Lenin and the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party
      • Lenin started bombarding the 12-man central committee with letters demanding they they prepare for revolution and the seizure of power
        • 3 days later the committee voted against this idea- even Lenin's resignation from the Central Committee failed to move them
      • Many believed that they should not act before the Constituent Assembly elections- Trotsky believed that they should wait for the Congress of Soviets  on the 26th of October
      • Lenin was able to sneak into Russia after becoming extremely frustrated and on the 10th of October gathered the Central Committee and persuaded them all night until he succeeded
    • Final preparations
      • Trotsky
        • Supported a lot of Lenin's radical ideas and so was trusted with the organisation of the revoltuion
        • set up a 'Military Revolutionary Committee' on the 16th of October
        • Commissars were sent to Petrograd's garrison units and 15 of the 18 declared their allegiance to the Soviet, rather than the PG.
      • 200,000 Red Army Guards, 60,000 Baltic sailors and 150,00 soldiers
      • A state of mutiny and armed revolution was thus established even before the Bolshevik Revolution


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