Developments between revolutions

  • Created by: LukeKeogh
  • Created on: 14-04-19 11:26
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  • Developments between revolutions (March- September 1917)
    • April Thesis
      • Lenin returns from exile in Switzerland with the help of the Germans. The Germans did this because they thought it would start another revolution and that Russia would end the war
      • Lenin released a document called the April thesis promising "PEACE, BREAD and LAND"
      • He demanded a revolution against the Provisional Government as soon as possible
      • He called an end to the ‘capitalist war’ and demanded that power should be given to the Soviets (the elected committees of workers, peasants and soldiers)
    • July Days
      • On July 3,  protesters marched through Petrograd to display their upset at much of what was occurring in Russia at this time.
        • (War still going on & nothing to end rationing of food)
        • The Bolsheviks, initially reluctant, attempted to prevent the demonstration but ended deciding to support it.
      • On July 4, the Bolsheviks planned a peaceful demonstration, but confused armed clashes broke out, injuring about 400 people.
        • Neither the Provisional Government nor the Soviet could control the situation - the Soviets actually refused power
        • To undermine Bolshevik popularity and reduce the threat of a coup d’etat, the government produced evidence that the Bolshevik leader Lenin had close political and financial ties with the German government. A public reaction set in against the Bolsheviks; they were beaten and arrested, their property destroyed, their leaders persecuted. Lenin fled to Finland; but others, including Trotsky, were jailed.
      • These events then resulted in a temporary decline of Bolshevik influence
    • Lenin & Cental Committee
      • From mid-September Lenin began to flood the 12 man central committee with letters practically demanding that they prepare for a revolution and a subsequent seizure of power
        • 15th Sept - Committee voted against a coup.
      • Kamenev and Zinoviev believed Russia was not yet economically ready for a revolution
        • Trotsky believed they could potentially avoid violent methods if they waited for the Congress of the Soviets and they could persuade the majority then
      • Lenin slipped back into Russia and on the 10th of October, persuaded the committee to go through with the revolution (won 10 vs 2)


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