C1.1a-c Particles and Changes

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  • C1.1ADescribe the main features of the particle model in terms of state of matter and change of state
    • solids
      • have a regular arrangement, are tightly packed and vibrate in their fixed positions
    • liquids
      • have a random arrangement, quite close together and slide past together.
        • Solids and liquids cannot be compressed as there is not enough space for them to move into
    • gases
      • have a random arrangement, far apart from each other and move quickly in all other directions in straight lines
        • Gases can be compressed as they have large spaces between each other- if you push into the molecules you can fill in the space between them
    • Changes
      • A physical change is when the particles are the same but just have a different arrangement and their movement changes.These are reversible changes
      • A chemical change is when the particles break up and then join together in another way. These changes are irreversible.
    • Limitations of particle model
      • Does not show inter molecular forces, size of particles,space between the particles


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