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  • Deprivation
    • John case study
      • In residential nursery for 9 days, staff had little time for him due to noisy/ demanding/ aggressive children, so his protests and anger were ignored
      • His distressed worsened and he cried pitifully for days
      • He began to refuse food/ wouldn't sleep and sobbed in despair
      • He stopped wanting to be near the nurses and ignored his father on his visits
      • When his mother returned he refused to look and her, rejected her comfort and showed anger towards her formonths
    • PDD model
      • 3) Detachment- the child is detached from surrounds, less distress, little interest in mother's return
      • 2) Despair- total loss of hope, self rocking to comfort, little interest in surroundings
      • 1) Protest- infant cries, appears panic stricken (Intense)
    • Bowlby's 44 juvenile thieves
      • 44 5-16 year old  thieves all lived with parents, had been stealing, assessed for intelligence/ attitudes and mothers interviewed to find out character/ separation
      • Control group of 44 non-delinquents who were emotionally maladjusted made - parents also interviewed
      • 86% of affectionless psychopaths  separated for 6 moths + , 17% of other thieves had separation, only 2/44 control group separated, 0 affectionless pyschopaths
    • Evaluation
      • John: : High mundane realism and ecological validity as it's a naturalistic observation (real life setting) - could argue the results can be applied to other similar real life situations
      • Research has suggested that being  separated does not lead to maladjusted. Children with TB (who spent time in hospital -experienced separation from their mothers vs normal peers -no difference in psychological assessment at 7 &14 years old between the two groups.
      • 44 thieves: is correlational study so cannot argue cause and effect - could have experienced other deprivations so not necessarily maternal that causes problems


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