  • Created by: Lisa
  • Created on: 05-12-12 10:11
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  • Socialisation: the process by which individuals are taught, learn and internalise the culture of their society.
    • Agencies - the institutions, places and groups within which people are socialised into their culture.
      • SECONDARY(4 to 5 years old) i.e. Work, Friends and teachers
        • Role Models - People we use to give us ideas about how to play a particular social role. I.e. The media, Sports heroes, teachers, popular figures and parents.
    • Focal Agecies - the agent of socialisation which at, various points in our lives is the dominant influence.
      • Sanctions
    • PRIMARY (infancy to early childhood) i.e. Family
      • SECONDARY(4 to 5 years old) i.e. Work, Friends and teachers
        • Role Models - People we use to give us ideas about how to play a particular social role. I.e. The media, Sports heroes, teachers, popular figures and parents.
      • NORMS - A set of guidelines which define appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.
      • VALUES - set of beliefs governing what a social group holds worthwhile and important.
      • Imitation - to copy someone's behaviour. It is a major part of learning our gender roles when we are children and throughout our lives. whatever we imitate helps us to learn the norms in our society. i.e. mum doing cooking
        • NORMS - A set of guidelines which define appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.
        • DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES - Girls are encourgaed to participate in indoor activites which are often domestic in nature where as boys are encouraged to do outside activities like rugby.
        • SUE SHARP 1970's she found girls priorities were marriage and children and 1990's changed to having careers and money independent.
      • MANIPULATION - Parents would encourage / discourage ways of behaving in their children on the basis of what they consider to be normal / abnormal behaviour for their gender.
        • CANALIZATION - Parents direct their children's interests towards appropraite games and toys for their gender.
        • VERBAL APPELLATIONS - this is the use of languages to label children in a way that reinforces appropriate gender identification. i.e. PET NAMES
    • ANN OAKLEY - argues that gender roles are CULTRALLY TRANSMITTED through the socialisation process. Oakley (1981) argues that gender socialisation has 4 central elements.


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