Daycare A01 & A03

  • Created by: eeesh
  • Created on: 26-02-19 11:28
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  • Daycare
    • Can consist of other family members looking after the child, sending the child to a child minders or sending them to a nursery.
    • There are rules and regulations enforced by ofsted about how daycares are run, facilities, staff levels etc
    • Cambell (2000) good daycare has the following structural characteristics:
      • A low adult to child ratio, ensuring all children get the attention and stimulation required
      • A small sized group, which are easier for young children to mix in as there are fewer strangers.
      • Mixed age groups, children are able to observe modelled behaviour.
      • Low staff turnover, which prevents feelings of insecurity if staff leave.
      • well trained staff who appreciate attachment theory, substitute care and provide stimulating environments for children.
    • Li- children in high quality day care improved their academic abilities, memory abilities and language abilities.
    • Andersson(1992) found that children who went to high quality daycare before the age of 1 were more socially and cognitively advanced by the age of 8.
    • The EPPE(2004) project also found that children in high quality daycare benefited socially and cognitively.
    • Shea(1981) children became more sociable the longer they were at nursery. the amount of aggressive behaviour toward one another decreased.
    • Vandell(1990)- extensive child care since infancy is associated with poorer academic and conduct report cards, as well as being rated as having poorer peer relationships and emotional health.
    • DiLalla(1988) found a negative correlation between the amount of time spent in daycare and pro-social behaviour. children who spent more time in daycare were less cooperative and helpful in their dealings with other children.


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