Day Care in Attachment

Day care's effect on Aggression, Peer relations, social development and also its influence of society and childcare practices.

  • Created by: ava.scott
  • Created on: 09-04-14 12:37
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  • Day Care in Attachment
    • Aggression
      • Behavior meant specifically to harm someone e.g. kicking, biting, or even lying.
      • NICHD Study- followed 1000 families from the age of 5. Found that the more time in care spent, the more aggressive behaviour was displayed. Those who spent 3 or more full days in care were significantly more aggressive.
        • A correlation does not mean causality. Also, it was a slight correlation- 83% of the children showed no increase in violence.
      • EPPE project- Showed there was a slight increase in aggression if the child spents 20 hours or more a week in day care. This risk increases even further if 40 hours or more is spent.
        • more time in day care often coincides iwth lower socio-economic backgrounds, and therefore introduces factors of parent stress levels etc.
      • Baker- when Quebec introduced free day care for all, the amount of 0-4 year olds in day care increased by 14%. 33,000 children were studied, and it was found that aggression increased by 24% compared to the 1% in the rest of Canada.
        • However, parents behaviour also chnanged, so we cannot assume that it wa the daycare that increased aggression, but perhaps the increase in aggression could be due to hostile parenting.
      • ALPSAC- followed 14,000 children and found that day care had no negative or positive impact on aggression. The huge sample size means it is easily generalised.
    • Social Development
      • The tendency to seek and enjoy and form personal relationships with others.
      • Belsky and Rovine- Found that children who went into day care form more than 20 hours a week, 4 months before their first birthday were more likely to form insecure attachments.
        • However, there are many variables as most most of these children came from lower scoioeconomic groups so parent stress level and lack of education could also lead to more insecure attachments.
      • The high/scope Perry Preschool project- This provided high quality care for 3-4 year old afriacn americans in poverty. It was found that children who took part had lower rates of delinquency, criminal records and receiving of welfare.
        • little population validity- just with american africans, so cannot be gernalised.
      • Clarke-stewart- they found no difference in attachments between children cared for at home or in day care.
      • Egeland and Heister- found that day care could have a negative impact for securely attached children, and a positive impact for insecurely attached children.
      • EPPE project-  longitudinal study of more than 3000 infants from 3 years old to Key stage 1.  three findings.
        • There is a very slight increase in anti-social behaviour for children who spend more than 20 hours in day care. There is a significant increase in those who spend more than 40hrs a week.
        • Those in lower socio- economic groups and are at risk of social problems can be greatly benefited by high quality care, with children with lots of different backgrounds.
        • Quality of care (e.g. staff turnover, child:staff ratio, activities and resources) are all important. Emotional and educational care should be integrated.
    • Peer Relations
      • The ability to make friends, popularity and negotiation etc.
      • Shea- showed that children were more sociable if they were in day care.
        • DiLalla- correlational study found that those who spent more time in day care were less socially competent.
          • Field- found that children who spent more time in day care, had more friends.
            • Campbell- a swedish study found that children before 3.5 years who spent long days at day care were less socially competent compared to those who spent more, shorter days.
              • Also, the quality of day care is very important.
            • merely given the opportunity to make new friends, doesn't prove they are better at making the,.
          • correllation cannot assume causality e.g. perhaps their lack of social development lead to them being out into day crare.
    • Attachment Research's influence in society
      • Robertson and Bowlby-  parents allowed to stay with child continuously when in hospital.
      • Rutter- showed that adoption was a good outcome for children, and it should take place as soon as it is obvious the child cannot stay with birth parents. This helps us recognise that adoption system should be more efficient.
      • EPPE- day care care can be particulary benificial if high quality. This lead t day care places being available to every three year old.
      • Highscope/perry project- shows that disadvantaged children can particulary benefit from high quality day care. Lead to schemes such as SureStart will have been great advantageous to high risk families.
    • Attachment/day care research effect of child care practices
      • Consistency of care- Shaffer found that children are less likely to form an attachemnt in high-staff turnover, or even suffer anxiety if an attachment is made but the staff member leaves.
      • Sensitivity of staff- NICHD study found 23% of staff are highly sensitive, 50% moderatley sensitive and 20% detached. Sensitivity leads to a more secure and unstressed environment for the child.
      • Low staff:child ratios- NICHD studyfound that day-staff care could only provide fully sensitieve care in ratios of 3:1. This allows sufficient attention to be given to each child.
      • Well trained staff- staff should know the importance of sensitivity in day care. They also give suitable activities  and curiculums. Sylva said the EPPE shows how quality coincided with the qualifications of the manager.


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