David Morgan

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  • David Morgan: Family Practices
    • Argues that family diversity has increased because of society becoming more fragmented
      • Fragmentation =  the disintegration of norms regulating behaviour, thought, and social relationships
    • Uses the concepts of family practices to describe how we create our sense of 'being a family member' through actions such as feeding children or doing DIY
    • Sees family as 'what people do' rather than as a concrete 'thing' or structure
    • Argues that things like family relationships, and other forms of relationship have become less clear-cut and boundaries between them blurred because today's society is more fragmented
      • STRUCTURALISTS - argue that although life courses and family practices are the actions of individuals
        • They take play in the context of the wider social structure and norms
          • For example, gender norms and differences in job opportunities in wider society may dictate that males will be the major income earners + women homemakers.
            • This will influence individuals' expectations of each other within the family


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