Hume - Association of Ideas Chapter

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  • Paragraph One
    • David Hume -Of the Association of Ideas
      • Paragraph Two
        • Here Hume states that there are 3 principles of association.
          • Resemblance- This means by moving from impression of an object to other thoughts of the object.  For example: I may think of a pen, which could lead me to think of a pencil case.
          • Contiguity - This means moving from one idea of a specific time/place to another time and place. For example: On New Years Eve at midnight, it leads me to think of last New Years Eve.
          • Cause and Effect - Moving from one idea to a seemingly connected cause/effect of that idea. For example: when I'm revising, it can then cause me to think of the exam.
    • Hume states that every thought, imagination and memory are linked through a 'universal principle, which has equal influence on all mankind'.
      • This shows proof that all simple ideas comprehended into complex ideas are bound together.
      • Hume also states that even among different languages it is found that there is corresponding ideas between them.


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