AS AQA PSYA2 Psychology- Daily stressors

  • Created by: Ruth ****
  • Created on: 31-05-13 09:07
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  • Daily hassles
    • DeLongis et al 1982- Aim was to see if daily hassles had an adverse health effect
      • 100 participants took part in a hassles and uplifts scale, recent life events schedule and a health questionnaire.
        • Once a month for a year in San Francisco, high income well educated participants.
      • Findings showed daily hassles were more key to stress than life events. Their frequency and intensity were correlated with overall health status. Daily uplifts had little effect on health.
      • Evaluation:Research overlooked chronic ongoing stress, of which health is also effected by. Individual differences- some stress more at certain things than others. Sample was those aged 45 up which may have affected results, as Khan Patel '96 found older people had fewer hassles than younger people.
    • Further research
      • Bouteyre et al '07- Looked at the transition from school to uni and its effect on people's mental health and daily stressors.There was shown to be a relationship between the hassles score and the incidence of depressive symptoms.
      • Gervais 2005 asked nurses to keep a record of daily hassles and uplifts. It was found that hassles decreased job performance, but uplifts counteracted the negative  effects.
    • Daily hassles vs life changes
      • Ruffin '93 found daily hassles were linked to greater psychological harm than major life events
      • Flett et al  showed major life events differ from daily hassles in the extent to which a person will receive or seek support.
    • Accumulation effect: An accumulation of daily hassles can lead to extreme annoyance and frustration which can cause more serious stress reactions, e.g. anxiety
    • Amplification effect where minor stressors amplify an already stressful situation from a major life change. Chronic stress effects tolerance to daily stressors.
    • Methodological bias- Daily hassles are usually measured over previous months, making it less accurate. Therefore researchers overcome this by using a diary on a daily basis.


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