
  • Created by: Jess
  • Created on: 18-09-15 20:08
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  • Culture of poverty
    • Miscellaneous
      • Our treatment of the poor - way we are socialized - theories we use/ - We all bring a theory about them
      • When reading - look how peope on the ground & public policy people respond
      • Regard poor as h.b & diff
      • How do the poor get there & stay there?
        • Cultural; brought up this way, devel a life around it
        • bad choices; not based on culture, not b.c of norms
        • Structural:  want a job, need human capital - can't get - want job, need place to live & dress. Jail time goes on record. All agree someone should pay for ding something wrong, but for how long? - structure creates a sit - poor class for v long time, no work/temporary
      • human capital depends on jobs to need them. (1950's manual labor triumphed technical - need to pay attention to the labor market.
    • Culture
      • For policy makers, it is the hardest thing to change, - long time, can't o much for either, take the girl out of the slum...
      • Mental illness equated w/ mental retardation
    • How do we get a C.O.P? - Under what conditions does it flourish...
      • Production for profit
      • Cash economy
      • wage labor
      • persistent high levels of unemployment or under representation for unskilled labor
      • low wages (consistent)
      • unwillingness/inability of providing soc, pol & econ organization either on a voluntary basis or by gov imposition for low income population.
      • A bilateral (two parent) kinship system rather than unilateral
      • Existence of a set of values in the dominant class that stresses a no. of factors (not just for the West):
        • Accumulation of wealth property
        • possib of upward mobility
        • thrift
        • explains low econ status as a result of personal inadeq or inferiority
      • Duiring devel; when a stratified soc & econ system is breaking down or in the process of changin from feudalism to capitlism, or during period of rapid change
      • Lack of effective participation & integration of the poor in the major instiut of the larger soc (don't have a voice) e.g refugees, street children (kids can't vote)
        • Structural roblem, legal. & want to work legally can't.
    • What is the C.O.P?
      • Adaption & reaction of poor to their marginalized position in a class stratified, highly individualized, capitalistic society.
      • Effort to cope w/ feelings of hopelessness & despair from realization it is improbable that they will achieve goals of larger soc
      • local solutions for prob's not met by existing institut & agencies of soc b.c people are: not eligible for them, cannot afford them (e.g health, sewage disposal, mosquito nets), we are ignorant or suspicious f the, - unpredictability.
      • Poor child 6/7 socialized into basic values & attiitudes in C.O.P - no longer adaptable enough to take full adv f opport that will occur in life tie, or flex enough to adjust to changing condit
    • Further aspects of c.o.p
      • Once comes into being - perpetuates itself from gener - gener, b.c of its effect on children (CI); Africa, hAITI, PASSED DOWN AS A NORM WHAT'S CONSIDERED NORMAL, MORAL BEHAV
      • Ethnic culture, sending it on seen as good, but look at where have sprang from, - cirvumstance
      • immigrants, around 2nd generation forget country of origin.
      • Boarding school assimilation - succeeded in changing culture of Native Indians


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