cultural conflicts in 20s

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  • cultural conflicts
    • politics defined by perception that there is growing economy
    • flowering culture of jazz ages suggests development of a mode modern culture
    • US comes out of war looking to return to normalcy and to excessive regulation of business
      • also looking for ways to close off troubles that were seen to draw US into WWI in first place
        • Sacco & Vanzetti case; War and red scare left fear of radicalism and fear of many things foreign
          • two immigrants convicted 1921 of murdering a guard in a robbery/ evidence against them thin but their Italian origins and anarchist political beliefs see them convicted and they're described as anarchist bastards by judge and executed 1927
            • highlighted division in society and nativist society and backlash from white anglo-saxon majority in US against immigrants
    • immigration
      • immigration act 1924 set imigration limits about 165,000 Americans a year, less than 1/5 of pre-war levels
        • national quotas of numbers who could come in, no more than 2% of each nationality who were in US in 1890..
        • US gov wanted to wind back clock, favourable to white wesern/northern europeans than southern/eastern
        • reaction= America has changed rapidly and they felt they needed to put breaks on rapidly + re-assess image of modern America
        • Ku Klux Klan= 1923 has 5M members, represents nativist movement. concerned with white supremecy in south, but Jewish and cahtolic immigrants in north
          • fear spread of influence the non-white anglo saxon protestants are having on US
          • in West, main agenda is prohibition of alcohol, concerned of people abusing themselves with drink.
    • prohibition
      • moral purity, came out of progressive era mostly but ban on manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages
      • drop in liquor consumption alongside alcohol related arrests
      • mid 20s+ smuggling becomes increasingly common, home brewing, corruption, crimiinal gangs take advantage to expand their interests
      • failure by the end, and Roosevelt brings beer
    • religion
      • religious fundaentalism= offers certainty in a rapidly changing world, mini religious revival in 20s
      • State of Tennassy forbid teaching darwinson, rejected idea that man evolved
      • case at court about a teacher who had taught evolution
    • women
      • new morality regarding women, league of women voters
      • get sexual freedom, new common image, short skirts, bobbed hair, sex talked baout more because growing openism (Fraud's attitudes who blames human bheaviour on sex)
      • modern science, Eisntein, cities see expansion of more liberated attitudes that challenge existing ideas
    • AA's
      • flow of poetry, music, social integration


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