crime and punishment

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  • crime and punishment
    • vagabonds
      • vagabonds increased because of the cloth industry becoming smaller and more people were made redundant.
      • Also vagabonds increased because the farmers were having cattle, sheep and pigs instead of crops so they didn't need as many workers only a couple to look after the animals.
      • With vagabonds their was three types the legit ones that were actually homeless and had no work or food, their was the ones that would pretend to be homeless but actually weren't and their were the ones that would steal things and pick pocket you when you walked by them.
    • transportation
      • Before Australia was found, Briton would send all of their convicts to America. But after America had their independence Briton had no where to send them then they found Australia and their was a number of reasons why they started transportation to Australia.
        • The main reason is that they wanted to colonize Australia before any other country got their first.
        • At this time their was something called the bloody code in order and this meant that any crime that is worth over one nickle would be punishable by death. So they used transportation as the public thought that the bloody code was too harsh so they wouldn't convict people at their trills even if they though they were guilty so the government had  to come up with a better punishment.
        • They used transportation as a deterrent as people would hear rumors about it and would be scared about what they think is their.
        • Prisons were extremely over crowded and the government couldn't cope with all of it.
        • After a couple of years lots of gold was found creating a gold rush giving the government the means to send out more convicts so they could retrieve more gold.
    • witchcraft
      • witchcraft first came to light when Henry the 8th was in power. and when he made it a crime
      • their was a man Mathew Hopkins who said that he was the with finder and he traveled around Briton taking money of of the community and then finding the witches in that town or village. he would test to see if their witches by throwing them in to water attached to a rope and if they sank they weren't a witch and would be pulled up dead or alive and if they floated they were and would be hung publicly that day.
    • policing and prisons.
      • prisons started off as a horrible place but then they were changed so that the prisoners had had a better living area hygiene and other basic human rights.
      • policing was only introduced at around the mid 19th century
  • After a couple of years lots of gold was found creating a gold rush giving the government the means to send out more convicts so they could retrieve more gold.


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