marxism/functionalim/interactionism crime and deviance

  • Created by: Zoe2718
  • Created on: 25-01-19 10:55
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        • laws are made to protect private properly and to benefit the bourgeoisie to maximise profit and its the main source of income.
      • SNIDER
        • the capitalist state is reluctant to pass laws which would affect corporate businesses and only pass ones which benefit them to maximise profits
        • people who commit corporate crime are more likely to get away with it because the judges are from the same background and social class so will side with them.
        • controlled through different institutions. I.S.A- family, religion, media. R.S.A- police, army, government
      • GORDON
        • criminogenic capitalism, the government breeds crime, people who are poor are more likely to steal
      • BOX
        • social construction of crime and deviance. e.g. murder- its alright for the army to kill but not alright for anyone else to do it.
      • DURKHEIM
        • crime is inevitable/normal and functional/collective sentiments/society of saints.
        • crime is functional- boundary testing
        • crime as a safety valve- e.g. prostitution prevents ****.
      • CLINARD
        • crime as a warning device, helps new things be put in place to prevent things like that from happening again.
      • MERTON
        • strain theory- people strive for the American dream, but cant always get it through legitimate ways so they have to use illegitimate ways instead
      • HIRSCHI
        • control theory- weigh up the pros and cons of committing a crime and says that most people do not commit crimes. attachment/commitment/involvement/beliefe
      • BECKER
        • no such thing as a deviance act until someone labels it as one. someone who is deviant is someone who has been labelled. deviance is a social construction.
      • LEMERT
        • PRIMARY DEVIANCE- deviance acts which haven't been labelled as deviant. SECONDARY DEVIANCE- deviant act which has been labelled as deviant and can lead to public shaming.
      • CICOUREL
        • negotiation of justice- middle class delinquents are more likely to get away with the crimes because their parents can negotiate their way out of it and say that it wont happen again.
      • JOCK YOUNG
        • hippies and marijuana- the police label them as deviant, so they start to act different and they change their norms and values.
        • saints and roughnecks- the saints are M/C and get away with being deviant and the roughnecks are W/C and are more likely to get prosecuted.
        • REINTEGRATIVE SHAMING- the act and actor are labelled as 'bad'. DISINTEGRATIVE SHAMING-the act is labelled as bad but not the actor.


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