creation - re

  • Created by: llllll4
  • Created on: 07-03-22 19:41
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  • Creation
    • order of creation
      • day 1: light
      • day 2: water and sky
      • day 3: land
      • day 4: sun, moon and stars
      • day 5: fish and birds
      • day 6: animals and man
    • what does the creation story tell us about god the creator?
      • god the creator: bible begins with 'in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth' - therefore Christians believe that god is the creator - his work did not stop with the creation of humans, he continues to use his creative power to show love for the world
      • god the omnibenevolent: after every day of creation the bible states 'god saw that it was good' - the god who created good must be good himself
      • god the omnipotent: bible teaches that god created the world ex nihilo - was nothing before god created everything - only an all powerful god could create the universe out of nothing
      • god the eternal: god created the universe out of nothing, therefore he must exist out of time - ''in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth' (genesis 1)


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