Nazi economy 1933-1936

  • Created by: WgouldUk
  • Created on: 21-03-17 11:39
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  • Nazi Economy First 4 year plan 1933-36
    • Managing agriculture
      • Keen to notion of autarky
      • Agriculture reforms were part of first 4 year plan
      • Agriculture minister- Hugenburg- increased import tariffs on agriculture produce- making German produce cheaper
        • Banned banks reprocessing farms from farmers in debt
      • Richard Darré set up Reich Food Estate (RNS) to regulate food production and distribution of farm produce as well as setting prices and farm wages
        • RNS could fine people  up to RM 100,000 for not conforming
        • RNS also set Reich agencies to control the importing of farm produce
      • Government intervention in control of food produce and prices not welcomed by everyone
        • However by 1928 German farmers provided 68% of all farm produce in the country; 1934- 80%
    • Managing business and the workers
      • Some big businesses in the iron and steel industry supported the Nazis- i.e. I.G Farben
        • However most big businesses suffered
      • Under the Law for the Protection of Retail Trade 1933- stopped the building and expansion of new and existing department stores
        • Large department stores made 80% less in 1934 than in 1929
      • Nazi propaganda discouraged large businesses as most small businesses had supported Hitler whilst the majority of larger stores did not
      • Unions had been a disruption to the Weimar economy - 36,198 million working hours lost in 1926
        • Yet workers had supported the Nazis
          • 1st May 1933- Nazis made a traditionalist socialist workers festival an official holiday
            • 6th May- Nazis established one trade union - Deutsche Arbeitsfront- German Labour Force (DAB)
              • Became a power in controlling large business
              • Voluntary participation- yet it became more difficult for non workers to get work
    • Creating employment
      • key priority following Great Depression
      • By 1933, Depression had turned around with businesses employing people again
      • Nazis manipulated employment statistics
        • Jewish people prevented from working in the Civil service - took them out of employment statistics
      • Jewish people prevented from working in the Civil service - took them out of employment statistics
      • Nazis created work and encouraged businesses to do the same - long term temporary work
        • Set up of Reich Labour Service (RAD)
          • Schemes for unemployed provided manual work- but with less pay than unemployment pay
            • with very basic food and accommodati-on
          • Autobahn construction and increased car/truck manufacturing
            • Created work and improved communicatio-ns, which helped to move goods and raw materials more effectively


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