covalent bonding

this is a mind map showing the basics of covalent bonding.

hope it helps! :)

  • Created by: Foxy
  • Created on: 28-12-12 13:28
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  • Covalent bonding
    • This is where atoms share electrons with each other so that they've got full outer shells
      • they only share electrons in their outer shells (highest energy levels)
    • for example. (hydrogen chloride) Hydrogen atoms have just one electron. They only need one more to complete the outer shell...
      • ...chlorine atoms also need one more electron... so they often form sigle covalent bonds to achieve this
    • in these diagrams a covalent bond is shown by a line
      • H-Cl
        • for example. (hydrogen chloride) Hydrogen atoms have just one electron. They only need one more to complete the outer shell...
          • ...chlorine atoms also need one more electron... so they often form sigle covalent bonds to achieve this
  • they only share electrons in their outer shells (highest energy levels)
  • H-Cl


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