Cosmological argument: weaknesses

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  • Arguments (continued)
    • William Lane Craig's Kalam form
      • 1. whatever begins to exist has a cause of its existence
      • 2. the universe began to exist, ie the temporal regress of events is finite
      • 3.therefore, the universe has a cause
      • 4. also, this cause of the universe must be a personal cause, as scientific explanations cannot provide a casual account. this person cause is God
  • Weakness
    • 1) Infinite regress requires no first cause
      • Aquinas is incorrect: infinite regress is not just a long chain of events
      • it goes back for infinity so there is no need for a first cause
      • therefore case and effect can remain
    • 2) Aquinas' argument from causation contradicts itself
      • he claims 'nothing comes from nothing'
      • yet God comes from nothing (first cause)
    • 3) Hume's fallacy of composition
      • there is an assumption that because everything in the universe has a cause, then the universe must also have a cause
      • this is like saying if everyone in the human race has a mother, then the universe must have a mother
      • if this is true the chain of cause and effect can stop at the universe and the universe would be the first cause
      • hence there would be no need for God
    • weaknesses 4, 5 & 6
      • 4) Hume argues cause and effect is not a thing
        • cause and effect does not exist but is a habit of the mind
        • eg if a someone hits a white snooker ball, which then hits a green snooker ball, we do not know if the white ball was the cause of the green ball's movement
        • since we never see causation there is no need to accept it as a concept
        • therefore there is no cause and effect in the universe and so no need for a God
      • 5) Imperfect beings can think of perfect things
        • an imperfect being can think of something perfect by maximising things known from experience
        • love becomes omnibenevolence
        • knowledge becomes omniscience
        • the universe can be sustained without a perfect being
      • 6) J L Mackie's criticism of the argument from contingency
        • Aquinas says all contingent things will cease to exist, this doesn't mean at the same time
        • as one thing ceases too exist another could begin to exist
        • a necessary being is unnecessary as things are self-sustaining
    • 7) Bertrand Russell: everything which exists does not need a cause
      • this undermines Aquinas' need for causes
      • in quantum physics, quantum fluctuations refer to things appearing and disappearing in space without explanation
      • the universe does not need an explanation it just is
    • 8) The universe could be the first cause, prime movers or necessary being
      • there is no need to find a cause of the universe
      • Hume is an empiricist, so does not believe in metaphysical beings such as God
      • the universe could be its own cause with no need for Go d


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