Cosmological Argument

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  • Cosmological Argument
    • Aquinas' three ways
      • 1. motion
        • 1. Objects are in motion
          • 2. Everything in motion was put into motion bysomething else
            • 3. There can’t be an infinite regress of movers
              • 4. So there must have been a first mover, itself unmoved and that is God
              • (IR definition) in a chain of reasoning, the evidence for each point along the chain relies on the existence of something that came before it, which in turn relies on something even further back, and so on,with no starting point.
              • Aquianas believed IR is logically impossible
        • 4. So there must have been a first mover, itself unmoved and that is God
      • 2. causation
      • contingency (domino effect)
        • 1. Everything can exist or not-exist: that is, everything in the natural world is contingent.
          • 2. Contingent things can cause other contingent things, but there can’t only be contingent things
            • 3. Because that would mean that there’s an infinite regress of contingency, and a possibility that nothing might have existed
              • 4. An infinite regress is impossible
                • 5. So there must be at least one necessary thing,and that is God
                  • contingency (domino effect)
                    • 1. Everything can exist or not-exist: that is, everything in the natural world is contingent.
                      • 2. Contingent things can cause other contingent things, but there can’t only be contingent things
                        • 3. Because that would mean that there’s an infinite regress of contingency, and a possibility that nothing might have existed
                          • 4. An infinite regress is impossible
                            • 5. So there must be at least one necessary thing,and that is God


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