cosmological argument

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  • cosmological argument
    • aquinas three ways (motion,causation and contingency
      • there are things that are in motion/caused/contingent
        • these things require something else to move/cause/create them and so on
          • this chain of movement/causation/contingency cannot go on forever
            • there must be a unmoved mover/uncaused causer and uncreated creator
              • this is what everyone understand to be god
    • kalam argument
      • everything that began to exist has a cause
        • the universe began to exist
          • the universe has a cause
            • that cause is god
          • began is added as an original arg formulated was criticised as it lead to the question of who created god? as god has no beginning, adding beggining to the argument solves this issue
    • descarte
      • if i caused my own existence i would give myself all perfections
        • i do not have all perfections therefore i could not have caused myself
          • i must depend on something else to exist due to the fact that i am made up of a lifespan that i could not have caused myself
            • so i depend on something else to exist
              • due to me having a thinking idea of god and there has to be as much cause in the effect what caused me must be a thinking thing that has the idea of god
                • goes on to talk about how the causes before him cannot go on forever so there must be the first (uncaused cause)
                  • this must be god
    • critisims
      • hume
        • Descartes assumes that everything has a cause but this is not analytic so cannot be certain
      • russell
        • universe is self coherent so does not need an external explanation (accept its existence as a brute fact)
        • the logic used does not always work


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