Stem Cells

  • Created by: Abc312
  • Created on: 23-05-16 18:35
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  • Stem Cells
    • What are Stem Cells?
      • Undifferentiated cells that can specialise to be any type of cell
      • They are found in human embryos.
      • They are  found in adult  bone marrow.
        • This type of stem cell cannot turn into any type of cell but only certain ones.
    • What can Stem Cells be used for?
      • Adult stem cells are used to treat diseases.
        • Stem cells from a healthy person are used to replace faulty blood cells in another person.
      • Embryonic stem cells can be used to replace faulty cells in sick people.
        • They could be used to make insulin-producing cells for diabetics
        • They could be used to make nerve cells for people that have been paralysed.
      • Embryos can be used in Therapeutic cloning
        • This means that they can be made to have the same genetic cloning of the patient
          • So the stem cells have the same genes as the patient so are less likely to be rejected
    • What are the negatives to using Stem Cells?
      • People think that using embryonic stem cells is unethical because it could be a human life.
        • Others think that it is fine as the embryos would be destroyed anyway.
      • Stem cells grown in a lab could be contaminated with a disease and this could get transferred to the patient
    • Stem cells in Plants
      • Stem cells are found in plant meristems
        • Cells in the plant meristem can differentiate at any point in the plant's life
      • Plant stem cells can be used to make clones of that plant.
        • This can be done quickly and cheaply.
        • It is used to make clones of rare plants to stop them being wiped out.
        • It is also used to make clones of plants that have desired features like disease resistance.


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