Cooking and Chemical Change

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  • Cooking and Chemical change
    • Some foods have to be cooked
      • 1) Many foods have a better taste and texture once they have been cooked
      • 2) Some foods are easier to digest. E.g potatoes and flour
      • 3) When cooking with high temperatures. this kills off any microorganisms which could cause damage to you
      • 4) Some foods are poisonous when they are raw, for example red kidney beans
    • Cooking causes chemical changes
      • Cooking foods produced new substances, which means a chemical change has occured
        • Remember: This is an irreversible process
        • Example: Meat. The protein molecules in the food change shape when heated. The cooking energy breaks some of the chemical bonds.
          • Remember: This is called denaturing, which is an irreversible process
        • Example: Potatoes. Because it is a plant, potato cells are surrounded by a rigid cell wall.
          • Cooking the potato ruptures the cell walls. It makes the texture softer and easier to digest
    • Baking powder
      • When baking powder is heated. it undergoes thermal decomposition
        • Thermal decomposition is when a substance breaks down into a similar substance when it is heated
          • Thermal decomposition is often aided by a catalyst


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