consuming resources

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  • consuming resources
    • types of resources
      • non-renewable- fixed amount available and cant be re-made/renewed over a short period of time (eg. coal)
      • renewable- resources that don't need to be managed to renew themselves (eg. win and sunlight)
      • sustainable- resources that can be managed to renew themselves (eg.wood)
    • consumption theories
      • malthus' theory- population went up geometrically (2,4,8,16 etc.) whereas food went up arithmetically (1,2,3,4 etc.) meaning famines would occur to limit the population naturally
      • Boserup's theory- population growth would force people to be inventive and create new ways to increase food. "necessity is the mother of all creation"
    • managing consumption
      • governments can pass laws and fine businesses for producing a lot of waste
      • they can fund education campaigns so people know about reducing waste
      • they can set up recycling schemes to encourage people to recycle rather then throw it away
    • alternative and renewable resources - biomass and biofuels, geothermal power, solar power, wind power and tidal power
    • technological fixes
      • hydrogen fuel cells can be an alternative to oil to power cars. for advantages and disadvantages see revision book, page 60
      • technology and geoengineering can take the Co2 out of the atmosphere to reduce global warming


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