Constitutional Amendments

  • Created by: DaisyR13
  • Created on: 11-06-14 11:49
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  • Constitutional Amendments
    • Bill of Rights - Proposed in 1789 and enacted on December 15, 1791
      • 6th. Guarantees a speedy trial, an impartial jury, and that the accused can confront witnesses against them, and that the accused must be allowed to have a lawyer.
      • 5th. Protects people from being held for committing a crime unless they are properly indicted, that they may not be tried twice for the same crime, and that you need not be forced to testify against yourself. It also contains due process guarantees.
      • 7th. Guarantees a jury trial in federal civil court cases. This type of case is normally no longer heard in federal court.
      • 4th. Protects the people from the government improperly taking property, papers, or people, without a valid warrant based on probable cause (good reason).
      • 8th. Guarantees that punishments will be fair, and not cruel, and that extraordinarily large fines will not be set.
      • 3rd. Guarantees that the army cannot force homeowners to give them room and board.
      • 9th. Simply a statement that other rights aside from those listed may exist, and just because they are not listed doesn't mean they can be violated.
      • 2nd. Protects the right to own guns.
      • 10th.Says that any power not granted to the federal government belongs to the states.
      • 1st. Protects the people's right to practice religion, to speak freely, to assemble (meet), to address the government and of the press to publish.
    • 20th - 1933 - Set new start dates for the terms of the Congress and the President.
    • 13th - 1865 - Abolished slavery in the entire United States.
    • 21st - 1933 -Repealed the 18th Amendment.
    • 14th - 1868 - People had rights on the federal level and on the state level, too.  Dealt with civil war items.
    • 19th - 1920 -Ensures that sex could not be used as a criteria for voting.
    • 12th - 1804 -  Redefines how the President and Vice-President are chosen by the Electoral College.
    • 22nd Amendment - Enacted on February 27, 1951Set a limit on the number of times a President could be elected - two four-year terms.
    • 15th - 1870 - Ensured that a person’s race could not be used as criteria for voting.
    • 18th - 1919 -Abolished the sale or manufacture of alcohol in the United States.
    • 11th - 1795 - Says how someone from one state can sue another state.
    • 23rd - 1961 - Grants the Washington D.C. the right to three electors in Presidential elections.
    • 16th - 1913 - Authorises the United States to collect income taxes.
    • 17th - 1913 -Shifted the choosing of Senators from the state legislatures to the people of the states.
    • 24th - 1964 - Ensured that no tax could be charged to vote for any federal office.
    • 25th - 1967 -Establishes rules for a President who becomes unable to perform his duties while in office.
    • 27th - 1992 - Any law that increased the pay of legislators may not take effect until after an election.
    • 26th - 1971 - Ensures that any person 18 or over may vote.


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