The Conservative Government 1924-1929

  • Created by: lyd_kate
  • Created on: 13-09-17 12:35
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  • Conservative Government 1924-1929
    • Leadership of Baldwin
      • Included critics (e.g. Churchill)  in Government and did not follow end to free trade policy (which was very unpopular, a good decision)
      • Chamberlain brothers - A (Foreign secretary) N (health minister) ensured powerful support). Good at new medium of broadcasting - middle class vote)
      • United and Moderate
        • Social reform with peaceful foreign policies
        • Respect for opposition to socialism standing up to Gen Strike and Communist Russia
      • Orthodox finance policy, but did little about unemployment.
        • Defence spending reduced foreign policy options, led to appeasement
    • Neville Chamberlain
      • Minister of health. Would have been easy to ignore social reform, had a parliamentary majority. Cons not interested in health
      • Passed four years of change plan in Nov 1924 - passed 22 acts including food hygiene
      • Widows, orphans and children act gave pension rights to widows etc. of insured working men for an additional 2d payment
      • People also paid insurance until 65, extending 1911 act.
      • Councils were  were given grants based on size, wider powers to control services. Assistance given by public committees. No more workhouses. 1929 passed.
      • Derating of land/buildings reduced costs encouraged more workers had little impact
      • Labour opposed changes as this stopped generous local authorities giving more. Poplarism, when Polar raised rates to help poor without permission
    • Churchill as Chancellor
      • Political, to prevent him to criticise the Govt. Not much financial knowledge
      • Returned to gold standard (had been the case before 1914) - British exports more expensive, manufacturing further decline
        • Had been recommended by experts, financial sector seen as more valuable than manufacturing (1m on poor relief)
        • Would've had to renew act in 1925 anyway, revealing loss of confidence in British economy for foreign investors.
      • Tried to reduce debt and spending
    • Austen Chamberlain
      • Refused to accept Geneva protocol as foreign secretary. Supported league in a general way
      • Locarno pact 1925, non aggression of Belgium, France, Germany guaranteed by Brit & Italy. Guaranteed Germany's western borders but lost Poland, no union with Austria
      • Agreed to 1928 Kellogg-Briand - 65 countries outlawed war  to satisfy France. Relations and trade deals with Russia over.
      • Dominions wouldn't guarantee enforcement of Locarno, became self governing but had a common monarch
      • Clear Germany still wanted land after Ruhr crisis and Locarno, but focus was on  peace and it would be hard to keep strict controls of Germany


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