Computer Science

  • Created by: MustafzYT
  • Created on: 12-05-18 13:43
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  • Computer Science - System Architecture
    • The purpose of the CPU
      • The purpose of the CPU is for it to be able to process information from RAM, using the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle.
    • The Von Neumann Architecture
      • MAR(Memory Address Register)
        • The MAR holds the address of the next item of data that is needed by the processor.
      • MDR(Memory Data Register)
        • The MDR holds data that is either to be passed to the data bus or has just been received from the data bus
      • PC(Program Counter)
        • A program counter is a register in a computer processor that contains the address (location) of the instruction being executed at the current time.
      • Accumlator
        • The CPU stores the insturctions for the arithmetic logic unit.
    • Common CPU components and their functions
      • ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)
        • Performs all of the arithmetic and logical operations like additon and subtraction
      • CU(Control Unit)
        • Controls most of the operations in the computer. It also decodes the instructions and also controls the internal parts
      • Cache
        • Stores data which is more frequently used so the data faster to access.
    • How common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance
      • Clock Speed
        • The higher the clock speed the faster the CPU is becuase of the number of fetch-execute cycles per second. E.g. 2GHz is equal to 2,000,000,000 cycles per second
      • Cache Size
        • Increasing the cache size causes the CPU to run faster because more data is accessed frequently
      • Number of cores
        • The more cores which are used, the slower the CPU is because it needs to use extra speed in order to process the information and to get it through the channels
    • Embedded Systems
      • Examples of embedded systems are planes, mobile phones,washing machine
      • The purpose of embedded systems are that to provide flexiblity and reliablitiy.





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