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  • Collectivisation
    • How did Stalin carry out collectivisation
      • - Procurement quotas with punishments if unmeetable. - propaganda against kulaks
      • Peasants forced into collective farms by OGPU and red army.
      • Kulaks executed and deported, many peasants executed and deported
      • Collectivisation slowed in 1930 but picked up speed again in 1931
      • Kolkhoz- small farms combined into one and ran by a committee. No wages, set quota to produce 40% of crops. Farm was not paid if quotas were not paid
        • Each household had private land and they could grow their own crops. could sell surplus to market, internal passports forbade them from leaving
        • Sovkhoz- larger farm, paid wages by the state. Passports, no private plots, ideal farm with MTS
    • MTS
      • The collective farms needed better machinery instead of wooden ploughs. It would reduce the number of peasants on the land so they can go to the cities
      • 2500 tractor stations were established by only one per 40 collective farms.
        • Technicians were sent to help teach the peasants how to use them
      • Successes- state farms received better machinery. State farms received better support. 95% of threshing and 72% ploughing, 57% sewing and 48% harvesting were mechanically carried out.
        • Failures-some parts of work still had to be manually done, limited transportation for transporting goods, reaping was done y machine but peasants still had to bind them


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