Collapse of the Autocracy (1904-06) (2)

  • Created by: MonsurAli
  • Created on: 03-06-17 13:26
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  • Collapse of the Autocracy (1904-06)
    • Russo-Japanese War
      • Plehve insisted for a 'Short, swift, victorious war'. However Russia had little knowledge of their enemy or their own weaknesses.
      • 1890, Nicholas went on a grand tour of the area to broaden his knowledge; However after an assassination attempt in Tokyo, he fuelled the racist attitudes towards them (Little monkeys).
      • He gained support to fight the 'yellow danger'; however running a war 6000 miles from the capital was hard.
      • Troops travelled for 6 days along Trans-Siberian railway; communication was also weak (Soldiers requested weapons and ended up waiting for weeks to just get idols of the Tsar).
      • After Port Arthur was sieged, Plehve was assassinated by an SR bomb July 1904; Hometown people celebrated.
      • There were renewed cries for a national assembly; Misrky (Plehve's replacement) agreed for talks with Zemstvo representatives. However the Tsar opposed this and created more opposition.
    • Bloody Sunday (Jan 1905)
      • After surrendering to Japanese, Putilov Works went on strike; 150,000 of them. Father Gapon led a peaceful march to the winter palace to request a petition for reform.
      • There were women and children at the front of the march.
      • Nicholas was not home; 12,000 Cossacks issued to deter the protest; after 2 warning shots they fired at the crows killing 40, injuring hundreds.
      • Sparked more rebellions in other parts of the empire. Father Gapon loses hope in the Tsar: 'Good Tsar' tarnished.
      • Same night, rebellions occurred; but failed due to no leadership or organisation. It concluded that violence was perhaps the only means to overthrow the autocracy.
      • The St Petersburg Soviet (Trotsky led all Soviets) showed it can challenge the govt.
    • Opposition to the Tsar by 1905 (after Bloody Sunday)
      • Striking workers: Putliov strikes (500k workers). By autumn 2.5 million strikes.
      • Soviets: Led by Trotsky, strike committees showed they could challenge the govt.
      • Peasants: Revolts in the whole country. Peasant Congress created, land seized, property looted. Also they took orders from the St Petersburg Soviet.
      • Students: Strikes, uni's closed down and their buildings used for public meetings. They wanted a state duma. Union of Unions created.
      • Ethnic minorities: Protested against oppression, protests in Finland.
      • The navy: mutinies, protests over maggot-infested meat caused Battleship of Potemkin to protest (2000 killed, 3000 wounded).


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