Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis

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  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)
    • Evaluation
      • CBTp is not accessible for everyone that wants it as only 1 in 10 of people who could benefit from CBTp can get it
      • It may be dependant stage of the condition as in the initial stages self-reflection may not be appropriate
      • Most research is done by meta-analysis which may not be reliable as they all may use different methods
      • CBTp reduced re-hospitalisation rates for up to 18 months after treatment and reduced symptom severity
      • It is hard to disentangle the effects of CBTp as it is usually used with drug therapy
    • What is CBTp
      • There are six stages of CBTp
        • 3. ABC - P's activating event that causes their beliefs and the consequence of the beliefs
        • 4. Normalisation - many people have unusual experiences reduces anxiety and isolation (scale of normal experiences)
        • 2. Engagement - Therapist (T) empathises with P's perspective and feelings
        • 5. Critical collaborative analysis - T uses gentle questions to help P understand illogical conclusions
        • 1. Assessment - P expresses thoughts about experience and create goals
        • 6. Developing alternative explanations - P and T will come up with other reasons as to the illogical conclusions
      • P's may also be set homework to improve their general functioning
      • NICE recommends that all people with Sz should be offered CBTp


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