
  • Created by: aneeka
  • Created on: 12-12-16 20:10
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  • Brain tumours - Can arise from glial cells or meninges dependent on location. It is slowly progressive compared to strokes. Seizures are common which can cause compression and injury to brain tissue as they expand.
    • Clinical Neurology
      • Seizures - Abnormal, rhythmic discharge of neurones that cause sudden and brief abnormalities of brain function. Epilepsy = recurrent seizures
      • Epilepsy
        • Generalised tonic-clonic seizure: The tonic phase is where the body stiffens, breathing stops and there is a loss of consciousness. The clonic phase is where there is rhythmic shaking. The post-ictal phase is where they are confused and unconscious.
        • Absence (petit mal) seizures: Usually in children. Rolled eyes, unconsciousness, no motor activity, certain pattern of blinking
        • Focal seizures - Little parts of the brain go into seizure-like activity.
        • Complex partial seizures - Impaired consciousness, dreamy state, auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinatioons
      • Treatment of Epilepsy: anti-epileptic medications decrease the membrane excitability by interacting with sodium channels, GABA receptors and calcium channels or surgery which removes the affected brain tissue.
      • Dementia - Acquired persistent impairment of intellectual function with compromise in memory and at least two other cognitive functions e.g. language and visuospatial skills.
        • Pick's disease - Cognitive deficits - language, visuospatial and behavioural - personality change, acting sexually inappropriate
      • Alzheimer's disease
        • Cognitive deficits - memory loss, language problems, visuospatial disturbance. Behavioural deficits - no change in personality but unawareness or denial of illness. No primary sensory or motor loss.
        • Less acetylcholine - treatment may include drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors which are agonists. Reduce the breakdown of ach to counteract loss of ach neurones
        • Amyloid plaques - can build up around brain cells and seem to be toxic to neurones which may lead to death of cell
        • Neurofibrillary tangles - on strands transporting nutrients to cell leading to cell death


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