Climate Change

  • Created by: liv.moz
  • Created on: 08-05-22 16:41
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  • Climate change
    • Possible causes of climate change
      • Natural factors
        • Orbital changes: the earth ahs natural warming and cooling periods caused by variations in the tilt and/or orbit of the earth around the sun.
        • Volcanic activity: during eruption CO2 is released into the atmosphere
        • Solar output: fluctuations in the amount of raditation from the sun. If there is high emit, there will be an increase in the earth's temperature.
      • Human factors
        • Burning fossil fuels: coal, gas oil- release of CO2 in atmosphere.
        • Deforestation: trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis. If cut down, there will be higher amounts of CO2 in atmosphere.
        • Agriculture: practices lead to the release of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
    • Evidence
      • Tree rings- temp and rainfall can be found out. Thickness indicates the climate at the time.
      • Melting ice sheets- images from 30yrs apart, show a decrease in size. Will affect sea levels.
      • Sea levels rise- warming temp. means ice melts. Oceans expand and sea rises.
    • Effects
      • Environmental: melting glaciers, sea levels rise, sea temp change.
      • Social: reduced crop yields, conflict, migration
      • Economic: reduced crop yields, cost of medical care, damaged infrastructure, access to oil and gas reserves
    • Managing climate change
      • Mitigation
        • Alternative energy production: use solar, tidal power to generate electricty.- Natural, no CO2 emission, renewable. BUT, expensive and limited
        • Carbon capture: direct air capture, targets low CO2 action in the atmosphere. Removes it. Can provide fuel from CO2, can be stored permenantly. BUT expensive, large amounts of area needed.
        • Planting trees: trees take in 50% of the CO2. Smaller scale, natural, easy, clean. BUT, takes a long time to grow, many needed to get rid of all carbon.
      • Adapting
        • Flooding and rise sea levels: Thames barrier, comes up across the river stopping rising sea levels and storm surges from flooding london.
        • Managing water supply: reducing the demand( shower instead of bath). Desalination
        • Farming and droughts: move production to somewhere else. Genetically modifying crops.


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